Question of 100

We use these 10 Business Excellence Principles to strategically improve your organization.

We recommend that you answer the questions in the order determined by the "next" button below. However, to allow you flexibility, the links below allow you to jump to different Principles.

Where to next

You need to decide for which level of your business you are answering these questions. We suggest that you first answer for your most immediate work group, (If you are part of a large organization, you may later choose to answer as part of the larger group of which your work group forms a part.)

The information to the right is provided for your guidance. You can answer the question without reading any of it if you wish.

Information is presented under the following headings.

Business Excellence as a framework for strategy

Use these Principles as a framework for strategic planning

Trimming poor strategies

Good strategies

Risk assessment as a strategic framework

You need to know everything about

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Avoid doing these poor practices

Not considering company improvement as a key business objective.

No strategies to address the unintended side effects of current strategy.

Failure to consider unintended side-effects of policies and actions.

Do these good practices

Recognition of the relationship between improved organizational performance (ie, the KPIs) and the application of the Business Excellence Principles to all areas.

Organizational Self-Assessment (eg, using the Business Excellence Principles, MBNQA, EFQM or Australian Business Excellence Framework) as a strategic measurement tool that feeds strategy.

Continuous improvement is planned.

Thorough strategic risk assessment conducted of risks and threats to achieving success (Mission, Vision and objectives). This is acted upon.

Plans include overcoming risks to the organization (eg risks to revenue, market share, assets, knowledge, safety, environment; risk of technology change).

Plans are examined for unintended side effects and modified to avoid them.

Greater use of risk-taking strategies.

Principle 2: Focus on Achieving Goals (Item 3)

Clear direction allows organizational alignment and a focus on achievement of goals.

Alternatively: Mutually agreed plans translate organizational direction into action.

Business Excellence as a framework for strategy

You should use these 10 Business Excellence Principles to strategically improve your company.

Strategies to implement the Business Excellence Principles are equally important to operational strategies. You cannot leave out either side of this equation and be successful.

If you do not have excellent operations aimed at making money, you will not be around in the future.

If you do not implement strategies to bring your company in line with the Principles, you will not be around in the future.

One of the biggest reasons for failure to achieve Business Excellence is the failure to act on the Principles for Business Excellence. Most companies are faced with the dilemma of having to run the daily operations and deal with the unceasing and every changing demands of their customers and the constant demands of the company.

Even if companies recognize that they exist, these Principles appear to be off in a different planet and of no real practical urgency. Because the Principles are less urgent than dealing with the daily operational demands, companies think that implementing the requirements to grow expertise in using the Principles can always be put off until later.

However, we now know that companies that get fewer than 300 points in the Baldrige, European or Australian Business Excellence Frameworks are going backwards and will not survive!

Regardless of excellent short-term results that might satisfy the share market, a company that can scrape together only 250 points is very bad news for shareholders.

That realization makes acting on these Principles just as important as any operational strategy. We have seen companies where the entire profit from operations, assembled through painstaking hard work, is wiped out in a single bad money market transaction. We constantly see companies fail to achieve their full potential because they have not worked to align what they do to these Principles. Even worse, we see companies sliding backwards.

Use these Principles as a framework for strategic planning

  • Conduct a self-assessment against these Principles (eg, using these 100 questions). Feed the findings into your strategic planning process.
  • Measure your progress on the Principles overall and for each Principle for your organization overall and for each major part. Provide help, not blame.
  • Use the guidelines about what to do first.
  • Conduct a self-assessment against one of the major Frameworks (Baldrige, European or Australian). Feed the findings into your strategic planning process.

Trimming poor strategies

In Its Not Luck, Goldratt argues that strategy is the direction we take to reach our Goal. If we violate any of the `necessary conditions', we will not reach our goal. So a good strategy must not clash with any of them. Your first step must be to trim any strategy that clashes with the Goal of making money or either `necessary condition'. Those are all poor strategies, by definition.

Good strategies

Good strategies begin by developing a decisive competitive edge. Concentrate on eliminating negatives for the market (Principle 3 `Customers'). Change your policies to allow increased throughput, reduced inventory and reduced operating expenses (Principle 4 `To Improve the Outcome, Improve the System').

Risk assessment as a strategic framework

Risk assessment can provide a very useful framework for the generation of practical solutions to organizational issues. Risk assessment should be an integral part of your planning process by giving a practical scan of your market place.

There are several old paradigms about risk management. These include:

  • You only need to worry about financial risk. Most audit programs are based on this paradigm. The organization can be completely failing to meet its objectives, but so long as all the `t's are crossed and the `i's dotted, the paper audit trail is available, everything is hunky dory. The business news is dotted with examples of organizations with financial reports signed off by the auditors and which have then gone bankrupt or the executives charged with criminal behavior. Or instances of the entire operating profit painstakingly assembled through hard work and detailed improvement work is wiped out in a single bad trade by the financial department.
  • Risk aversion – do not take any risks. Total risk aversion is usually very costly because of the large number of strategies necessary to contain the risk. It also inhibits innovation and change. The approach is still common in government where the political process punishes any `error' and `courageous' means do not do it.

Modern risk management requires you to identify your major risk factors and put strategies or `controls' in place to reduce them to an acceptable level. You should continue to assess the risk remaining after your controls are in place – the residual risk.

You keep adding controls to reduce your risk until it is acceptable – to you. This gives a process for deciding the difficult issue of when to stop adding strategies. It provides a useful approach to reduce the number of strategies. If you think the risk is acceptable without that strategy, or that the cost of the strategy is more than the benefit obtained from having it, then don't add it. It's your call.

We will deal more fully with uncertainty in decision making in Principle 5 (`Improved Decisions').

You need to know everything about

  • what your competitors are doing and why
  • how and why your customers' expectations are changing
  • how changes in you market produce new business opportunities
  • how changes in the global marketplace will affect you
  • changing in thinking about technology, customer needs and the way business is done will affect you
  • any technological developments and innovations that affect your products
  • new ways of doing business with your customers
  • changes that produce new market segments
  • changes in regulations and tax
  • changing community/societal expectations
  • changing needs of government
  • your company, its capabilities and competencies
  • your people, their capabilities and competencies

Your answers so far arranged by Principle.

At this point you could choose to: modify a response by clicking on an answer; move to a question by clicking on the link in the table; stop for now and come back another time.
Your scores to date are kept in a cookie on your computer for a year.












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Cells colored this fantastic color indicate the 25 more important questions.
You must answer at least these questions to be able to print a report

We recommend that you answer the questions in the order determined by "next question". However, to allow you flexibility, the links above and below allow you to jump to different Principles and questions. Also, you can return to any question by clicking it in the table above.

If you wish, you can stop for now and come back and complete the questionnaire another time.
We store your answers on your computer for a year so you can come back to them later.

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