Question 12 of 100

We measure our progress towards our goals.

We recommend that you answer the questions in the order determined by the "next" button below. However, to allow you flexibility, the links below allow you to jump to different Principles.

Where to next

You need to decide for which level of your business you are answering these questions. We suggest that you first answer for your most immediate work group, (If you are part of a large organization, you may later choose to answer as part of the larger group of which your work group forms a part.)

The information to the right is provided for your guidance. You can answer the question without reading any of it if you wish.

Information is presented under the following headings.

Why this is important

Measuring success

Effectiveness and Efficiency

Beware: what you measure is what you get

Recommended action

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Avoid doing these poor practices

Not measuring to see if strategies and plans (i.e. `experiments' to reach objectives) are successful.

KPIs bear little or no relationship to strategic plans.

No measurement of progress towards achieving Mission, vision, values and goals.

KPIs not linked to company objectives.

Do these good practices

Measurements in place to measure success in achieving the mission, vision, and objectives and behaving in accord with the values.

Clear and simple KPIs are developed so that success of the plans can be monitored. KPIs are linked to company objectives.

Clear cause and effect relationships between company strategy, action and results shown in KPIs.

Success of strategies in reaching objectives is measured.

Clear linkages between KPIs, plans, direction and daily work.

Principle 2: Focus on Achieving Goals (Item 8)

Clear direction allows organizational alignment and a focus on achievement of goals.

Alternatively: Mutually agreed plans translate organizational direction into action.

Why this is important

You must measure your progress towards your goals. Measurement lets you know if the plans are being implemented and if the strategies are effective in achieving the Goals.

Measurement provides a very useful tool to focus on achieving the Goal. You must measure two distinct things:

  • progress towards achieving the Goal (remember a plan is an experiment to see if you can do something)
  • if the plans are being implemented by everyone (or every section or every division) who should be doing them

Measuring success

Every policy and strategy must have an objective – it must be trying to achieve something. We are constantly amazed at the number of companies that fail to give meaning to what they are trying to do by declaring their objective. If you fail to declare your objective, and make that measurable, there is no way you will be able to every tell if you achieved it!!

At a minimum you should measure progress on all major company statements of mission, vision, values, all objectives and Goals, all targets, all stakeholder demands. This is covered more fully in Principle 5 (`Improved Decisions').

Many companies have an attitude of "We thought of all these wonderful things to achieve our Goals and because we are very smart, we know they will work and that we do not need to try anything else. If there was something else we would have thought of it". That form of ego has no place an excellent business. Excellent companies use a more scientific approach and recognize that any strategy is nothing more than an experiment about how to get to your Goal.

You must use some form of measurement to let you know if your strategies are effective or appropriate in achieving the Goals. Then you can discard or modify those that do not contribute significantly to your Goals and concentrate on those that do contribute significantly.

As we discussed above, you should use many strategies and options within those strategies. Asking which of the options or strategies is helping you achieve your Goal may be the wrong question and may not be answerable. You need to know if your strategies in general are being successful and if you can discard any.

All strategies take up some of your scarce resources.

Unfortunately, the majority of strategies have little or no effect on reaching the Goal. They may work for other people, they may have worked in the past – but they may not be working now, for you. Many strategies, although they may sound good, are actually destructive of your Goal. (Ernst & Young's Quality Report confirmed this by finding that some management practices are detrimental to a company's advancement.)

What is the point of continuing with a strategy if it is not assisting you to reach your Goal? Would it not be better to be working on things that do work rather than things that should work? Of course it is. However, business is not a laboratory. You may not be able to find out what does work and what does not.

Effectiveness and Efficiency

Effectiveness asks the fundamental question "are you achieving your objective"? Efficiency asks, "are you working with the lowest energy or resources".

Effectiveness is always the more important, because you must first be certain that your chosen strategies and activities are actually working towards your objective. Most companies assume they are and don't bother to check .

Beware: what you measure is what you get

The biggest problem with measuring is that you drive behavior with it. Well, isn't that what you want? It is, if the measurements are the right measurements and give you appropriate and useful behavior– i.e. behavior that helps achieve your Goal. Unfortunately, most companies measure what is convenient, what is traditional or what they can get data on. And, this may have no bearing on leading you towards your Goal. Cost accounting is a very strong example. It is easy to set up measuring systems for money usage, and most companies do. This leads to all kinds of measurements of "efficiencies" on which people are assessed. It is often much more difficult to measure effectiveness – progress towards your Goal. So, this is seldom measured. Because people are assessed on efficiency measurements and not effectiveness measurements, most company behavior is pulling the company in the direction of cost reduction. This may be (and often is) away from its Goal. Cost reduction looks good on the Balance Sheet and for the Quarterly results. Unfortunately, Cost Reduction is seldom, if ever, the Goal of the company. And because it is not the Goal, achieving it may produce behavior that takes you away from the Goal.

Similarly, performance management and reward and incentive schemes may be pulling you away from the company's Goal.

Recommended action

  • Measure to see if what you are doing overall is leading to success
  • Use everything you can think of (and afford to use) to throw at the problem
  • Be on the lookout for new options – for new ways of doing things
  • Be on the alert for changes
  • Be vigilant and discard what does not appear to work – accept that well over 80% of your options and strategy will not be helping you towards success
  • If you can afford to, set up experiments to identify which options and strategies to discard

Your answers so far arranged by Principle.

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Cells colored this fantastic color indicate the 25 more important questions.
You must answer at least these questions to be able to print a report

We recommend that you answer the questions in the order determined by "next question". However, to allow you flexibility, the links above and below allow you to jump to different Principles and questions. Also, you can return to any question by clicking it in the table above.

If you wish, you can stop for now and come back and complete the questionnaire another time.
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