Question 32 of 100

We document our important processes.

We recommend that you answer the questions in the order determined by the "next" button below. However, to allow you flexibility, the links below allow you to jump to different Principles.

Where to next

You need to decide for which level of your business you are answering these questions. We suggest that you first answer for your most immediate work group, (If you are part of a large organization, you may later choose to answer as part of the larger group of which your work group forms a part.)

The information to the right is provided for your guidance. You can answer the question without reading any of it if you wish.

Information is presented under the following headings.

Why this question is important

Problems with documented systems


Control design

Service controls

Quality Assurance and Business Excellence Principles


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Avoid doing these poor practices

Procedures are difficult to update, modify or replace.

Resistance to changing "the way we do things around here".

Do these good practices

All key, core and support processes are mapped and flow-charted.

Process Improvements are locked in place using QA procedures until the next improvement.

Procedures for design control are written and distributed.

QA system is developed and frequently audited, and includes flexibility to improve.

Working to make processes more capable by reducing common cause variation.

Common cause variation identified.

Reducing variation is incorporated into design control procedures.

Principle 4 - To improve the outcome, improve the system (Item 8)

In order to improve the outcome; improve the system and its associated processes.

Corollary: All people work in a system: outcomes are improved when people work on improving the system

Why this question is important

One way of reducing variation in processes so that their output is consistent is to document them. Then people working in the process can follow the documented procedures. This means that everyone in the process does not have to discover and invent it for his or herself every time. This lets you be consistent in your output and reduces variation in what you deliver. Several international standards give good guidance with the process of standardizing your processes.

Standards based control schemes use documentation to clearly describe all the process and product/service control criteria required for maintaining stable and capable performance of the business process at each point. Process maps, process descriptions and checklists are all useful in documenting processes. They all have different uses. By following the documentation, people can be following a previously identified `best' or standardize' practice.

Most companies that document their processes find enormous value in just carrying out the documentation. The documentation process causes discussion about the work-process and uncovering of its problems, difficulties and inconsistencies.

As we described previously, the people carrying out the tasks and using the schemes have expert local knowledge about how the process actually works and the nature of problems in the process. Their involvement in both design and improvement is a basic requirement for being able to use the control scheme as intended. If the people who should use them did not design them or do not fully agree with them, or if they think they are impractical, they will not use them.

It is usually a responsibility for operational management to work with their people to design and improve local control schemes.

Problems with documented systems

We see four types of failure with the use of control schemes. They have many things in common.

  1. The company insists that the control process be followed always and will not allow it to be modified or improved — on pain of dismissal. This makes for very rigid processes that resist improvement even if they need it. The output of the process may be constant, but it may be junk. Not a desirable outcome.
  2. People give only lip service to the control process because they know it leads to nonsense results. This occurs most often when the process workers are excluded from the design of the control scheme, and when process workers are not allowed to modify the formal process. In these cases, if they can or if the process is important enough, the process workers usually abandon the documented process and use one that really works. This has the undesirable effect that there is in fact no standard process and that process variability is not controlled.
  3. "Our processes are extremely good. If only our people would follow them". This occurs because of the failure to recognize that people are part of the system and contribute to system variation through their interactions within the control schemes. If the process descriptions really are good and are practical, then people would use them. If employees will not use them, there is probably something wrong with the processes, not the people. The old thinking is that everything would perfect if it were not for those `useless employees'. The `if only' syndrome.
  4. The processes have become so documented that they are boring. People do not enjoy working with them. There is no variety. (This is discussed again in Principle 8 `Innovation'.)


Checklists are often of the most practical value for people doing routine work or precision work carried out infrequently but for which the omission of small details can be critical. Checklists are widely used by military to ensure control of processes.

Check lists are an important control. Many businesses find that providing staff with checklists and process maps is an important step to providing consistent responses. Military organizations have found checklists particularly useful in tension filled situations that have been thought through in advance but which the individual on duty at that time may not have experienced.

Control design

Traditional quality control or quality assurance designs are strongly focused on `after the event' methods such as inspection, testing, sampling and sorting. Because of their design, these often give information too late to be of much use in preventing costly failures. You need proactive or `before the event' controls.

There are three types of control design:

  • Feedback
  • Feedforward
  • Cognitive

Feedback is a reactive `after the event' control. For example, "the clothes are wet, it must have rained". It relies on some form of output – often variation outside of specification — to trigger a reaction. By then, it is all over. However, you can stop making the same mistake again and (if manufacturing), you can prevent the faulty part going to a bottleneck (see later).

Feedback from the problem back to the cause is usually slow. Meanwhile, problems continue and get worse. The cost of running the process in between the problem occurring and you finding it can be very high — a combination of process and product costs. In addition, some faulty products get through your screening and become complaints. The cost increases.

However, inspection can stop you making the situation worse. Goldratt points out the cost if you put rubbish through a bottleneck.

"We rely on final inspection to sort out the rejects from the prime product. There's a delay of about two hours between the production operation and the inspect process. We make about 4000 widgets per hour; these are valued at $100 each. Last night, we had a deep scratch on the product, rendering it useless. Cost us 8000 units before it was discovered and corrected. It was at a bottleneck resource. $800,000 down the drain!!!"

Inspection does not guarantee no errors – it is too late. They have already happened. You have already made the rubbish.

Feedforward is a proactive `during the event' control that is based on an input measure. For example, `the clothes are wet because it is raining now'. It requires a sound diagnostic knowledge of the process to quantitatively `model' its action triggers.

Cognitive is a predictive `before the event' control that is based on some form of intelligent prediction. For example, "clouds brewing and winds are getting stronger, it will rain soon and wet the clothes". It is complementary to feedforward. You need sound diagnosis combined with broad knowledge and input from all your senses to provide flexible and adaptive prediction.

There are many parallels between weather and business eg winter is coming, brass monkey will shrink, days get shorter, soup will be in demand etc etc. Even squirrels know that there are lead indicators. Another example of a lead indicator is the Internet. It is changing the way business is done, how information is sent and consumed. We know it will cause change but how, where, what and why.

Modern approaches to control require an in-depth understanding of the complex interactions, process flows and interdependencies within your business system and how they determine your outputs. Such sophisticated understanding is the basis for feedforward and cognitive control designs.

In terms of effectiveness, the preferred sequence for control design is:

Cognitive is better than Feedforward is better than Feedback

This does not mean that feedback controls are not required. It does mean that predictive and preventative control design is more effective than reactive control design. Squirrels die if they do not prepare for winter.

Service controls

Service present an even worse case. Services are not amenable to feedback control design. Customer complaints and surveys are useless for day-to-day control. Poor service simply passes through and out of the system. You end up with annoyed customers. For every one that does complain, 10 are equally annoyed but cannot be bothered to tell you.

There are few quality assurance nets for services and usually the service part of the business has the biggest impact on customers. Poor service costs you because annoyed customers do not come back. This is bad news because it costs more to get new customers than it does to retain your existing customers – which is why organizations put effort into building customer loyalty.

Quality Assurance and Business Excellence Principles

Many people think they have `done quality' when they get their five ticks from ISO. As you can see, the Business Excellence Principles are very different from ISO checklists. There is a strong role for a Quality Assurance process.

  • Quality Assurance (QA) lets you standardize the way you produce so that what you produce is consistent.
  • QA gives you the chock that stops your processes falling back into the chaos they once were – back to the old way of doing things. Once you have spent the time and effort to improve your processes, you want people to use them.

In the past, ISO has concentrated mainly on the standardization phpect of Principle 6 (`Variability'). Because ISO is about `standards' and standardization', it will always retain that emphasis. Currently, ISO is trying to move to include more of the Business Excellence Principles. ISO 9004 is an attempt to recognize the importance of the Business Excellence Principles in all organizations.


Your documented standards must not restrict your agility. If your documentation entrenches the way you do things to the point where you cannot respond to changes and new situations, your business can become stuck.

Agility has become increasingly important. Agility is the ability to adapt quickly and effectively to opportunities, changes in operating environment and changing stakeholder needs. Agility might mean rapid changeover from one product to another, rapid product development, rapid response to changing demands or the ability to produce a wide range of services. Agility might demand special strategies such as modular designs, sharing components, sharing manufacturing lines or providing specialized training. Agility increasingly involves outsourcing, alliance agreements with important suppliers, developing new competencies and novel partnering arrangements. Agility requires overcoming inertia and maintaining a balance between responding to stimuli and keeping your alignment and constancy of purpose. Documentation can be a solid form of inertia.

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