Question 47 of 100

Data is always presented in such a way as to allow interpretation of the variation.

We recommend that you answer the questions in the order determined by the "next" button below. However, to allow you flexibility, the links below allow you to jump to different Principles.

Where to next

You need to decide for which level of your business you are answering these questions. We suggest that you first answer for your most immediate work group, (If you are part of a large organization, you may later choose to answer as part of the larger group of which your work group forms a part.)

The information to the right is provided for your guidance. You can answer the question without reading any of it if you wish.

Information is presented under the following headings.

Why this is important

Financial variance and month-to-month comparisons

Are these numbers different from each other?

A difference is a difference only if it makes a difference

I care because my boss makes me care

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Avoid doing these poor practices

Use of bar charts and 3-D bar charts to present data. (These mask variation.)

Extensive use of tables to display data. Data displayed as masses of figures.

Seeing trends where there are no trends; missing trends where there are trends.

Do these good practices

The concepts of variation and trends used to assist decisions based on measuring and monitoring of processes.

A comprehensive set of essential measurements is built into the production process to ensure minimum variation and consistently high quality of products and services.

Principle 6: Variability (Item 3)

All systems and processes exhibit variability, which impacts on predictability and performance.

Why this is important

The method you choose to present data and information can help understand the variation in that data and help you understand your processes.

Tabulated data is useless in showing variation and providing an understanding of what is happening. Ditto for all the financial presentations we have seen.

Bar charts have little value and 3-D bar charts should be banned as they mask the variation.

We strongly recommend the use of Control Charts where ever possible.

Financial variance and month-to-month comparisons

When we talk about variation, we are not talking about financial variance – the difference between actual and budgeted expenses and revenue. The terms `variation' and `financial variance' are quite different.

The common reporting procedures about financial variance contribute nothing to the understanding of the causes of variation and so contribute nothing to control of the processes that cause it. The common practice of month-to-month comparisons of financial variance can be destructive of good business outcomes. It does not contribute to understanding the causes of variation, it causes focus on minimizing the variance (so that you does not have to report), causes unnecessary knee jerk reactions and unnecessary work to explain non-issues and does not recognize the existence of variation. It is the equivalent of asking, "what caused that particular wobble?" in the wobbling pen example.

Many people in companies (including executives and managers) point to last month's results (which is finally better that the trend or average) and say "see it is improving!" This is very bad management. It is used to fend off criticism and prevents any serious attempt at systematic improvement. It will only stop when CEO and other executives refuse to accept the excuse.

Month-to-month comparison and financial variance are bad measurements. They should be replaced with reporting tools such as run or control charts.

Are these numbers different from each other?

Are the numbers 111 and 112 different from each other? This question is at the heart of all discussion about variation.

Some would argue that "Of course they are different. How could they not be different? It is a stupid question! If they were the same, there would not be the need for different numbers."

To some extent the answer to the question "are the numbers different", depends on whether or not you want them to be. In some of the examples that follow, you may be saying, "of course they are different". In others, you may be saying, "of course they are the same".

The answer also depends on the scale. Scale tells you something about the size of the difference. What if they are 111 miles and 112 miles and you are walking. What if they are $1.11 and $1.12? Not a big difference if it was the price of your lunch. But what if that was the unit price and you had to buy 100,000 of them? What if they are $1.11 billion and $1.12 billion (a difference of $10 million) and it is your budget overrun? What if they are estimates of the distance to a star that is either 111 or 112 light years away? What if 111 seconds is the time of the first place winner in an Olympic event and 112 seconds is the time for the person who came last? What if they are the diameter of a part and 111 mm is in specifications and 112 is not?

What if we had chosen 199 and 200? Is $199 different from $200? Retailers know the numbers are the same, but our mind tells us $200 is much more. Is 74.9 cents per litre different from 75 cents per litre?

What about 6 and 7? And they are earthquake readings on the Richter scale! Now they represent very different indications of survival and the extent of the disaster.

These are not stupid questions. You have to make these judgment calls all the time. The trouble is that without the right tools your response remains a judgment call – gut feel.

A difference is a difference only if it makes a difference

What you are really asking is "are these numbers so different that I care"? This means that there is some point beyond which you care about the difference between two numbers. A point beyond which you want to know because you care. We will call that `the caring point'.

Another way of thinking about this is that as far as you are concerned, all the numbers close to one number are really the same as that number.

It would be good to find that `caring point'. One way to find the `caring point' is to ask `what if' questions. Just as we did above.

If the numbers are different and you say they are different, or if the numbers are the same and you say they are the same, everything is OK. No problem.

But what if you make a mistake? Do you care? If you fail to identify that the numbers are different, and you care, you have a problem. Remember that you only care when the numbers are different enough that it makes a difference to you. In this case, you may have failed to identify a problem that could cost you a great deal of money.

What if you made the other mistake and said the numbers are different when they are in fact the same? Usually when people care about some thing, they act. In this case, you thought you had to leap into action, when in fact you did not have to do anything. A wasted effort. And the wasted effort can cost you a great deal of time and resources. More chasing smoke.

The decision table below shows the results of our decision – especially the errors.


The numbers are actually different (and you care)




You say the numbers are different



The numbers are actually the same, but you mistakenly say they are different.


"Much ado about nothing"



The numbers are actually different, but you mistakenly say they are the same.


No action when action was needed!


I care because my boss makes me care

An answer that "I care because my boss makes me care" is not a good one. Bosses who make you care about things that you do not need to care about are being wasteful – of your time and resources, and the company's time and resources.

Shareholders should also be very wary about CEOs and senior executives who waste resources by fighting unnecessary fires and cannot find the real fires to fight. In other words, shareholders beware if the CEO and senior executives do not know how to find the `caring point'. They are probably wasting money chasing smoke or failing to act when they should. Over-reaction and under-reacting.

We would like to be able to prevent these two types of errors. To do that we must be much more certain about the `caring point' than just `gut feel'.

Your answers so far arranged by Principle.

At this point you could choose to: modify a response by clicking on an answer; move to a question by clicking on the link in the table; stop for now and come back another time.
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Cells colored this fantastic color indicate the 25 more important questions.
You must answer at least these questions to be able to print a report

We recommend that you answer the questions in the order determined by "next question". However, to allow you flexibility, the links above and below allow you to jump to different Principles and questions. Also, you can return to any question by clicking it in the table above.

If you wish, you can stop for now and come back and complete the questionnaire another time.
We store your answers on your computer for a year so you can come back to them later.

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