Question 55 of 100

We have created, maintain and support an environment where people volunteer their enthusiasm, creativity and resourcefulness aligned with the organization's goals and objectives.

We recommend that you answer the questions in the order determined by the "next" button below. However, to allow you flexibility, the links below allow you to jump to different Principles.

Where to next

You need to decide for which level of your business you are answering these questions. We suggest that you first answer for your most immediate work group, (If you are part of a large organization, you may later choose to answer as part of the larger group of which your work group forms a part.)

The information to the right is provided for your guidance. You can answer the question without reading any of it if you wish.

Information is presented under the following headings.

Why this is important

Success depends on knowledge, skills, innovative creativity and motivation

To "harness" means to "control"

Treat employees with respect

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Avoid doing these poor practices

No systems to encourage and ensure increased internal responsiveness.

A culture of blaming people when things go wrong - scapegoats. (This significantly discourages risk taking and innovation.)

Blame people when innovations do not work.

A culture that equates working long hours as a demonstration of real commitment to the company.

Staff do not take initiative to find out how to solve problems – difficulties are simply passed up the hierarchy.

A culture that uses people up.

Overuse of overtime.

People do just enough to get by, arrive just on time, leave on time, contribute minimum effort (grudging compliance).

Do these good practices

Employees are prepared to try new ideas, experiment, innovate and take reasonable risks. People are encouraged to take initiatives and be pro-active.

In unusual circumstances, people can confidently take actions that fit the company's needs.

People work with few rules and can decide things.

An attitude of trust from the senior executives. People are trusted to work towards the benefit of the company. "Keep going until I tell you to stop". Few approvals are necessary.

A clear process for all employees to contribute to developing company values. (Employees have a tendency to make the values stronger than the managers would.) This is enabled by providing necessary skills, knowledge, power and `space' to contribute to the stated values.

All staff can articulate the values of the company and how they are based on the Business Excellence Principles, and can give examples of how the values are used to drive behavior (especially by the senior executives).

People have pride in what the company stands for.

People delight in telling how things have improved - and the stories demonstrate they are discerning about ethics and innovation.

High degree of ownership of the company's image and activities.

Staff indicate that values are integrated throughout the company.

Principle 7: Enthusiastic People (Item 1)

Potential of an organization is realized through its people's enthusiasm, resourcefulness and participation.

Why this is important

Research shows that Principle 7 is in the group of Principles that correlate strongly with KPI improvement.

Principle 7 forms one point of the major strategic triangle. In order to make money now and in the future (the Goal of most companies), you need customers who are so delighted with the value they get from you that they recommend. You must also have employees who are so enthusiastic about working for the company that they volunteer to help you make money by providing value to customers and by improving the company.

This makes the enthusiastic volunteering employee a major driver in the company. Extremely important! Without the enthusiastic volunteering employee, you do not get customers who recommend, you do not get a better company and you do not get to make more money.

Which is why many argue that Principle 7 is the main driver for company improvement.

(We have shown only the major driving forces in the diagram. We know that influence travels back along all the arrows.)

Success depends on knowledge, skills, innovative creativity and motivation

A company's success depends increasingly on the knowledge, skills, innovative creativity and motivation of its work force.

Companies are increasingly realizing that in competitive, dynamic environments, its people are its most important resource. People provide the brain and heart of the company. They provide the intellect for thinking, the emotional capacity for commitment, the enthusiasm to create and the energy for action. Only people can initiate and sustain the relationships that allow the company to function. The employees talk to the customers and work with alliance partners and community groups. The employees get the work done. There are no other resources available to the company to do this.

When people are truly involved, they become committed to what they are involved in. When people become committed, they want to become actively involved. Companies can use this energy to achieve whatever they wish to achieve.

Principle 7 is concerned with

  • creating, maintaining and supporting an environment that enables people to reach their full potential
  • aligning people's objectives with company's objectives.

More than lip service must be paid the concept that "people (including their creativity and knowledge) are the company's greatest asset". (A phrase that, through misuse, has lost considerable credibility.)

  • How do you enable your people to grow and contribute?
  • How do you free your people to phpire to high ideals?
  • How do you generate goodwill within the company?
  • How do you develop professional capabilities that are consistently applied?
  • How do you enable personal growth and encourage difference?
  • How do you enable learning and its exchange?

This is another thinking shift. The old thinking was that employees are inherently lazy and unreliable, and need close supervision in order to achieve the company's goals.

The new thinking is in two parts.

  • All employees would like to do good work. They want to bring their hearts and minds to work. They want to volunteer.
  • As we have seen in Principle 4 (`To Improve the Outcome, Improve the System'), the system people work in – its rules, procedures, power structure – usually prevents people from being able to do their best work. When you enable your employees to fix the systems, processes and procedures that prevent them from doing their best work, you get a better company. However, because, the employees have the knowledge of what is wrong with the system but not the power to fix it, bosses must work to improve systems – with active enthusiastic, volunteering help from employees.

To "harness" means to "control"

Be careful. Words have accumulated considerable baggage and have very different meanings. For example, "harness" as in "companies can harness this energy" has the connotation of a horse being controlled by a "harness". Usually, when people use this word they might not mean control, but they imply it.

Treat employees with respect

Rosenbluth goes so far as to suggest that "The customer comes second". Second behind the employees. Employees will treat your customers the same way as they are treated by the company. If you want your employees to treat your customers with respect – valuing their needs, then you must first treat your employees with respect – valuing their needs.

Your answers so far arranged by Principle.

At this point you could choose to: modify a response by clicking on an answer; move to a question by clicking on the link in the table; stop for now and come back another time.
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Cells colored this fantastic color indicate the 25 more important questions.
You must answer at least these questions to be able to print a report

We recommend that you answer the questions in the order determined by "next question". However, to allow you flexibility, the links above and below allow you to jump to different Principles and questions. Also, you can return to any question by clicking it in the table above.

If you wish, you can stop for now and come back and complete the questionnaire another time.
We store your answers on your computer for a year so you can come back to them later.

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