Question Example 1 of 100

We have a climate of trust.

We recommend that you answer the questions in the order determined by the "next" button above. However, to allow you flexibility, the links below allow you to jump to different Principles.

Where to next

You need to decide for which level of your business you are answering these questions. We suggest that you first answer for your most immediate work group, (If you are part of a large organization, you may later choose to answer as part of the larger group of which your work group forms a part.)

The information to the right is provided for your guidance. You can answer the question without reading any of it if you wish.

Information is presented under the following headings.

Heading one

Heading two etc
© World Rights Reserved. has legal ownership of the intellectual property contained on this page and through out the website. Unauthorized use or reproduction of any part of this material is prohibited without permission of Permission can be obtained by contacting

Avoid doing these poor practices

Example 1. blah, blah

Do these good practices

Example 1. blah, blah

Please read this before answering the questionnaire

The questions are in the top left hand corner. The buttons to the left on each page will record your score.

First, you need to agree with our terms at the bottom of the page.

There are 100 statements or 'questions' about your business. You should score your business out of 10 based on how well you do it. The scoring scale is:
0   never - ever
1   never
2   starting - just
3   starting
4   sometimes - rarely
5   sometimes
6   oftenish
7   often
8   always - almost
9   always
10   fantastic at doing it

Make your selection and choose from the navigation buttons below the selection box. We recommend that you answer the questions in the order determined by the "next" button above. However, to allow you flexibility, the links below allow you to jump to different Principles. (The buttons on this page are dummies as you have to agree to the "legal stuff" before you can get started.")

The are 100 questions to the questionnaire - and the questionnaire can take several hours to complete. Most people will find it hard going to complete it in one session. Your scores are stored in a cookie on your computer for up to a year. This means that you can stop at anytime you wish. You will then be able to come back to continue answering the questions at another time.

To assist you to answer the questions, we have provided considerable information in the centre of the page. You can answer the question without reading any of it if you wish.

Please be as accurate as you can when answering the questions. We base our diagnosis on your answers. It is in your interest to be accurate. If you exaggerate or put too positive a spin on your company, or are too pessimistic we will not be able to deliver the right diagnosis for you.

Our experience is that most companies completing these questions for the first time think they are doing better then they really are doing. The information is provided to make the question easier to understand. The information is presented under a number of headings to make it easier for you to find your way through it.

Further down the left side of the page we give examples of poor practices that you should avoid and good practices that you should try to do.

Legal Stuff

This material is protected by copyright. You need's permission to reproduce it.

Our diagnosis and the advice we provide is based on information that you provide to takes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information that you provided or for how makes decisions based on that information or for any actions that you take or do not take as a result of the analysis.

If you agree to these terms and wish to proceed with the questionnaire, click I agree and begin our Business Sustainability Assessment. Otherwise, click Cancel to return to netgm.

Your answers so far arranged by Principle.

At this point you could choose to: modify a response by clicking on an answer; move to a question by clicking on the link in the table; stop for now and come back another time.
Your scores to date are kept in a cookie on your computer for a year.












Item 1

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Item 2

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Item 3

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Item 4

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Item 5

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Item 6

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Item 7

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Item 8

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Item 9

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Item 10

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Cells colored this fantastic color indicate the 25 more important questions.
You must answer at least these questions to be able to print a report

We recommend that you answer the questions in the order determined by "next question". However, to allow you flexibility, the links above and below allow you to jump to different Principles and questions. Also, you can return to any question by clicking it in the table above.

If you wish, you can stop for now and come back and complete the questionnaire another time.
We store your answers on your computer for a year so you can come back to them later.

Copyright © 2000- netgm pty ltd. All rights reserved.