Question 16
of 100
We have a very good understanding
of what our customers don't like about our products and
services the dissatisfiers (eg, we ask our customers
"what is it about our products and services that you
don't like?")
We recommend that you answer the questions in the order determined by the "next" button below. However, to allow you flexibility, the links below allow you to jump to different Principles.
Where to next
You need to decide for which level of your business
you are answering these questions. We suggest that you first
answer for your most immediate work group, (If you are part
of a large organization, you may later choose to answer as part
of the larger group of which your work group forms a part.)
The information to the right is provided for
your guidance. You can answer the question without reading
any of it if you wish.
Information is presented under the following
Find out what your customer do not get and give
it to them
How would your customers respond to
these questions?
Customer contact staff
and dissatisfiers
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Avoid doing these poor practices
Not actively looking for what dissatisfies their customers (at all) and then not working to improve products, services and processes to eliminate these dissatisfiers.
Do these good practices
Extensive measurement of customer dissatisfaction.
Use of watching, focus groups and other face-to-face encounters
to find out what customers dislike about the organization's
products and services, its competitors' and the industry's
products and services.
Customer dissatisfaction is actively sought as an integral
part of process improvement.
Principle 3: Customer Perception of Value (Item 2)
Providing what your customers value now and in the future
must be a key influence in your organization's direction, strategy
and action.
You must have a very good understanding of what your customers don't
like about your products and services the dissatisfiers. For
example, you should ask your customers "what is it about our
products and services that you don't like?"
The main questions you should ask your customers are about what they
do not like. Find their dissatisfiers. These usually give the real
clues to vastly superior service.
When you say "what is it about our products and services that
our customers don't like?" you acknowledge that your customers
might not like every little thing about your wonderful product. When
you do this, you find very real gems of information. This gives considerable
advantage for companies that do this.
What do your customers dislike about the service you provide? Everyone
likes good news and so businesses usually only ask for what their
customers like about the service they provide. This will give you
a warm feeling, but no information on which you can work. The gems
are in the dislikes!
You can work out how to improve what you offer by asking what your
clients dislike. This can take a fair bit of courage. However, if
you can find out their dislikes, it allows you to modify your service
to better meet their needs.
What about all those people who are not yet customers that could
be? Why aren't they your customers? What about your ex-customers?
Why aren't they your customers now?
Surveys cannot give you any of this information! Finding out about
dissatisfiers needs dialogue face-to-face. Watching and listening.
Use surveys to measure satisfaction use face-to-face
to find out needs.
- What do you dislike most about dealing with this company?
- What about our products and service is not value for money?
- What don't you like about our products and services?
- What about us don't you trust?
- What about our service stops you from doing your best work?
- What about our service causes you to lose money?
- Does our response, delivery time and payment terms meet your needs?
What would you prefer?
- Do you feel respected?
- Do we demonstrate values that you like?
- Are you treated fairly?
You may not even have to go to much expense to find your customer
dislikes and dissatisfiers. Your sales and customer contact staff
usually have a very good idea of what your customer dislike. They
get told every day.
You must
- encourage, enable and empower your salespeople to report your
customer's daily problems and dissatisfiers
- provide processes so that you can listen to them reporting on
what goes wrong for your customers
- have processes to take this input and cause improvements in your
products and services so the dissatisfiers disappear.
If you wish, you can stop for now and come back and complete the questionnaire another time.
We store your answers on your computer for a year so you can come back to them later.