Question 17 of 100

We actively seek customer complaints and use them to make better products and services (ie, remove dissatisfiers).

We recommend that you answer the questions in the order determined by the "next" button below. However, to allow you flexibility, the links below allow you to jump to different Principles.

Where to next

You need to decide for which level of your business you are answering these questions. We suggest that you first answer for your most immediate work group, (If you are part of a large organization, you may later choose to answer as part of the larger group of which your work group forms a part.)

The information to the right is provided for your guidance. You can answer the question without reading any of it if you wish.

Information is presented under the following headings.

Why this question is important

Cost benefit

Encourage complaints

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Avoid doing these poor practices

No processes to handle complaints.

Complaints are problematic and are treated as problem events that must be `dealt with' rather than tell-tales of a larger systems issue.

Do these good practices

Customer comments are seen as "opportunities for improvement".

A robust documented complaints processes managed by empowered people.

Customer comments are shared across the organization using a variety of media.

Customers are satisfied that they are enabled to contribute to product design and their participation is valued by the organization.

Principle 3: Customer Perception of Value (Item 3)

Providing what your customers value – now and in the future – must be a key influence in your organization's direction, strategy and action.

Why this question is important

You should actively seek customer complaints and use them to make better products and services by removing dissatisfiers.

Customer complaints are gifts. The old way of doing business is to make the complainant go away. The new way is to think, "here is a gift, new knowledge. How can I make use of this to make my processes better and give my organization competitive advantage? How can I change what I do so that customers never have cause to make complaints about this issue ever again?".

The customer is telling you directly what it is they do not like. Most organizations just make the complaint go away by fixing the problem for that customer. You must go further. Treat each complaint as a system failure. You are going to make sure it never happens again. Go further again. Use the complaint to modify your product and service so much that what was cause for a complaint becomes a benefit.

An important issue in complaint management is prompt and effective resolution. This can lead to a complete recovery of customer confidence. In fact, it can lead to very loyal customers.

Cost benefit

You must examine the cost and benefit of making system alterations to fix the complaint. Some issues that your customers complain about are too expensive to fix or not possible to do. However, you must do what you can.

You should also prioritize what you work on so that you address the causes of most complaints with the smallest changes necessary. Effective elimination of the causes of complaints often involves aggregating complaint information from all sources so that you can evaluate it and decide what to do next to get most improvement.

Your complaint management process should include analysis and priority setting for improvement projects based upon cost of the complaints, cost of fixing their causes and benefits that will come to you because of increased sales due to customer retention, loyalty and attracting more customers.

Many of your customer's complaints will have their origins in your own policies – how you decide to do things. You make and control those policies and can change them. Policy changes are usually easy to do and can have huge positive impact on your customers.

Encourage complaints

Customer complaints are so valuable that you need to encourage customers to make them. That's right! You need to create an environment where your customers feel that they are an important part of your business. Only then will they take the time and effort to give you the feedback that you need to create value for them. If they feel they can trust you to act and the product is important to them, your customers will ensure that their expectations about quality, delivery and price are clearly communicated to you. If you are not seeking and getting clear complaints, you are missing jewels of wisdom.

You should place emphasis on obtaining `actionable' information from your customers' comments and complaints. By actionable, we mean that the complaint should clearly point to the business processes you need to change. It is up to you to examine the cost/benefit of making the change.

You should ensure that your managers and employees who look after your processes receive the complaint information so that they eliminate the causes of complaints. This must be done in a way where there is no hint of blame. People don't usually deliberately do things that cause complaints. You need joint problem solving to improve things that have gone wrong. Not a climate of blame.

Your answers so far arranged by Principle.

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Cells colored this fantastic color indicate the 25 more important questions.
You must answer at least these questions to be able to print a report

We recommend that you answer the questions in the order determined by "next question". However, to allow you flexibility, the links above and below allow you to jump to different Principles and questions. Also, you can return to any question by clicking it in the table above.

If you wish, you can stop for now and come back and complete the questionnaire another time.
We store your answers on your computer for a year so you can come back to them later.

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