Question 54 of 100

We work to reduce variation in the early steps of all processes.

We recommend that you answer the questions in the order determined by the "next" button below. However, to allow you flexibility, the links below allow you to jump to different Principles.

Where to next

You need to decide for which level of your business you are answering these questions. We suggest that you first answer for your most immediate work group, (If you are part of a large organization, you may later choose to answer as part of the larger group of which your work group forms a part.)

The information to the right is provided for your guidance. You can answer the question without reading any of it if you wish.

Information is presented under the following headings.

Why this is important

Errors accumulate

Scout troop example

Statistical fluctuation game

Dependent operations

Insurance office example

Errors magnify in complex systems

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Avoid doing these poor practices

No understanding that errors accumulate.

Do these good practices

An understanding of how statistical fluctuation affect downstream processes.

An understanding of how parts of the system affect each other.

Identifying and fixing upstream causes of problems.

Principle 6: Variability (Item 10)

All systems and processes exhibit variability, which impacts on predictability and performance.

Why this is important

All processes are complex networks of inter-connected activities. Some activities have clear relationships with other activities. With others, the relationship is obscure. Most systems are made up of many processes, each with many activities that interact and inter-relate in complex ways.

The total variation of the system comprises all of the variation from all its processes. Variation accumulates from activity to activity and from process to process.

The most important intervention points are in the early stages of the system because reducing variation there will reduce variation overall.

Errors accumulate

Consider this simple system that combines the output from processes, A, B & C, which are each a series of activities.

Each activity in this system has variation in what it produces. This variation comes from machines, materials, people, methods, measurements, response times, reactions, moods, weather, supplies etc.

In each case, the next activity in line receives this variable input, adds its own variation and passes the `accumulated' variation to the next activity. That is, each activity accumulates variation from itself and all prior activities. Each process accumulates variation from every activity in the process. The whole system accumulates variation from all its processes.

In his book The Goal, Goldratt uses three examples to illustrate how the variations accumulate in dependent events in a process.

Scout troop example

The first example is a line of boy scouts walking on a hike. The scouts are analogous of dependent events in a process.

Each person cannot walk the path until the person in front of them has walked it. The first in line must process the trail – to walk it – before the second can set foot on it. The entire troop must walk the trail before it is completed. If one scout is slow, that slowness accumulates. The scouts behind that person bank up and will not be able to complete the task (walked trail) in the required time (specifications). If one scout is consistently slow because of an injury, overweight or too much equipment, that is a common cause of variation for the process. However, other variations will occur as each person occasionally stops or stumbles.

Suppose the scouts are arranged in line from naturally fastest walker to naturally slowest walker. If a scout stumbles, he will not able to catch up (without running), and that time lost will accumulate behind them. You could reduce the accumulated variation by arranging the line from slowest to fastest. However, such an arrangement may not be practicable.

Statistical fluctuation game

The second example is of a statistical fluctuation game. Arrange five bowls in a line (A, B, C, D, E). You also need a die (one half of a pair of dice) and some matches. The idea is to pass matches from one bowl to the next. You use the die to decide how many matches to pass, but – and this is the sticking point – you can only pass matches if you have them. On average (without that rule), you should be able to move 3.5 matches per cycle or 35 matches in 10 cycles. In practice, you will move far fewer.

Cycle 1. A throws a two and puts two matches in bowl A (down 1.5 from the expected average). B throws a four but can only get two matches from A (so down 1.5 from the expected average). C throws a four but can only get two matches from B (so also down 1.5 from the expected average). D and E throw ones (down 2.5 from the expected average). So we get one instead of our expected 3.5. But don't worry. It will average out. Just wait and see.

Cycle 2. A throws a six and puts six matches in bowl A (up 2.5 from the expected average). B also throws a six and moves six matches to bowl B (up 2.5 from the expected average). That's looking better. C throws a three so can only get three matches from B (down 0.5 on the expected average). D throws a four and takes Cs three from this cycle and the one left from cycle 1 (up 0.5 from the expected average). E throws a three and moves three (down 0.5 from the expected average). So at the end of cycle two we have four matches when we should have seven.

Keep going? It just gets worse. You will find that matches move through the system not in a manageable flow, but in waves. Confirming the rule that:

In a linear dependency of two or more variables, the fluctuations down the line will fluctuate around the maximum deviation established by any preceding variables.

There is an excellent simulation of this 'dice game' at (Don't forget to come back.)

Dependent operations

Goldratt's third example goes on to show us that the maximum deviation of a preceding operation will become the starting point of a subsequent operation.

An order of 100 products is needed in five hours. Two machines are needed to make the product. The first machine passes parts to the second in batches at the end of each hour. Both machines can do a maximum of 25 parts per hour so it should be easy. Shouldn't it? The first machine makes 19, 21, 28 and 32 parts respectively in each hour. The second machine can therefore only make 19 parts in its first hour and 21 in its second hour because that is all it gets from the other machine. It makes 25 parts for each of the last two hours easily enough. However, because of the early backlog, it ends up 10 parts short.

Insurance office example

What if those were files instead of widgets. What if you worked in an insurance office and your job was to process claims. On average, you can deal with 25 claims an hour. At the end of an eight-hour day, on average, you can process 200 files. Does that mean the person downstream from you can also process an average of 200 claims a day as well? No, it does not! Many things happen to you during your day: interruptions, meetings, training, lunch, coffee breaks. Many things happen to your files: missing data, time on the telephone checking or confirming, or people are late getting back to you. As a result, in some hours, you get almost no work done, but then you make up for it during other hours. Therefore, you complete 1,000 claims in a five day week, or 25 an hour on average. And the people downstream? Well, its true they do not do anything much in the hour or so following those hours when you are not doing much. But it works out in the end, doesn't it? No it does not. Every thing downstream is impacted by the fluctuations upstream. Everything shows variation and this variation accumulates.

We have mentioned some of the usual causes of variation. What of the others.

Errors magnify in complex systems

Because of multiple dependencies between activities at the systems level, the real picture can be very complex. Processes inside real companies are usually not as discrete as the simple process shown so far. In practice, Processes A, B and C usually influence each other. In reality, everything is connected to everything else. Which is why simplistic solutions do not work.

For example, for the output characteristic `service courtesy', Process A could be `recruitment and training', Process B `communication' and Process C `recognition'.

We have several customer complaints about Debbie, who appears to lack courtesy. She appears not to like the job and tends to get upset easily. After we chew her out, she gets better for a few days, but then she slips back to her old ways. She resents being underpaid what she does. Actually, she wasn't really suitable for the job originally, but she was the only applicant. We had a rush on when she joined, so she missed most of the orientation program. Her supervisor has not been able to do much on-the-job training for her. Her skills at handling angry customers are not good. She gets angry and resentful when they complain.

She has been complaining to us that the procedure manuals she has to follow are badly written and do not accurately describe the job she does. Her supervisor does not appear to like her, and she does not like him. He has real problems also. He used to do Debbie's job. We promoted him into a vacancy. He was not an ideal choice and does not understand that he needs to coach and not shout.

Where does the variation in `courtesy' originate? Can you find a single cause that can be fixed? The old thinking would be to "fix Debbie". Every element in this system is contributing to variation in `courtesy'.

The activities and processes relate in complex ways and the amount of variation increases as we move through the activity/process sequence and with time. And as we saw from Goldratt's work, they accumulate at the rate of the maximum deviation – not the minimum. Which begins to explain why Murphy's Law works so well ("If anything can go wrong it will, and at the worst possible time.")

Do you see the strong links back to Principle 4 (`To Improve the Outcome, Improve the System')?

Your answers so far arranged by Principle.

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