Question 79 of 100

We work to reduce the waste and pollution our organization produces.

We recommend that you answer the questions in the order determined by the "next" button below. However, to allow you flexibility, the links below allow you to jump to different Principles.

Where to next

You need to decide for which level of your business you are answering these questions. We suggest that you first answer for your most immediate work group, (If you are part of a large organization, you may later choose to answer as part of the larger group of which your work group forms a part.)

The information to the right is provided for your guidance. You can answer the question without reading any of it if you wish.

Information is presented under the following headings.

Why this is important

A systems approach

That is impractical

Turn waste into profit

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Avoid doing these poor practices

No effort to reduce waste or pollution.

Not following regulations.

Careless discharge of waste.

Let someone else clean it up. It's not my cost.

Do these good practices

`Green policies' are used to acknowledge the wider community as an important stakeholder.

Principle 9: Corporate Citizenship (Item 5)

The organization's action to ensure a clean, safe, fair and prosperous society enhances the perception of its value to the community.

Why this is important

You must work to systematically reduce the waste and pollution your organization produces.

We believe that over the next twenty years we will see a significant shift in the way companies think about products and waste. We can see the beginnings already. In that people are aware of waste management and that pollution is "not a good thing". However, the thinking shift from "our waste must be managed so we meet our regulations" to "our systems thinking about the relationship between waste and our products gives us a competitive advantage" is not yet here – except for a few companies.

A systems approach

Currently, most companies have at least moved to the "regulation obeying, good corporate citizen stage". Few are adopting the full systems approach.

An example. Is your waste water good enough to use as input to your plant? If not, why do you think it is good enough for the next person? De Bono's famous solution for a highly polluted river is to take your input from downstream of your waste. This forces a systems solution. [We could extend the problem to human waste and suggest the solution that sewage treatment be upstream of potable water catchment reservoirs. That solution will probably be required eventually and will need considerable systems thinking to implement – especially at no increased cost.]

That is impractical

We hear scoffing. "All that greenie stuff is impractical. People might say they want it, but we can't afford it. We will take our profits now. That is what our shareholders want. Not this expensive, greenie gobbledygook!"

That take-it-now-and-damn-the-environment approach is not sustainable. The Principles for Business Excellence consistently argue for the company's sustainability. By that, we always mean that the company will be around for a long time – at least a hundred years. Even if your day-to-day pressures and worries stop you from seeing that far, it is not logical or practical to conduct actions that you know will stop your company being sustainable. If all your customers are dead, or suing you for harming them, your company will not be sustainable.

By 2005, if you are not enforcing good environmental solutions within your business, large or small, you will no longer be sustainable. This is realistic.

Turn waste into profit

We are seeing more examples of companies that turn their waste stream into a profitable product. For example, restaurants and abattoirs that turn waste food or animal wastes into vermicast (ie worm casts) that is now sold.

We often hear the argument that "if we do this greenie stuff, we die". That assumes the `greenie stuff' will add costs. It does not have to. That was the same argument that was applied to improving quality. "If we improve quality, it will increase our costs." The reality is that if you improve quality, you reduce rework and waste (which are very expensive) and increase sales because of increased customer satisfaction. But that is an old message. Implementing environmental solutions has similar advantages.

It is worth while for all companies to work out how to sell their waste stream, or turn the waste stream into a profitable product.

Your answers so far arranged by Principle.

At this point you could choose to: modify a response by clicking on an answer; move to a question by clicking on the link in the table; stop for now and come back another time.
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Cells colored this fantastic color indicate the 25 more important questions.
You must answer at least these questions to be able to print a report

We recommend that you answer the questions in the order determined by "next question". However, to allow you flexibility, the links above and below allow you to jump to different Principles and questions. Also, you can return to any question by clicking it in the table above.

If you wish, you can stop for now and come back and complete the questionnaire another time.
We store your answers on your computer for a year so you can come back to them later.

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