Question 81 of 100

We work to reduce the unintended consequences (side effects) to the community of our actions and policies (eg, we keep the community safe and do no harm — intentionally or unintentionally).

We recommend that you answer the questions in the order determined by the "next" button below. However, to allow you flexibility, the links below allow you to jump to different Principles.

Where to next

You need to decide for which level of your business you are answering these questions. We suggest that you first answer for your most immediate work group, (If you are part of a large organization, you may later choose to answer as part of the larger group of which your work group forms a part.)

The information to the right is provided for your guidance. You can answer the question without reading any of it if you wish.

Information is presented under the following headings.

Why this is important

Unintended consequences

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Avoid doing these poor practices

No concept that unintended side-effects of actions can be harmful to stakeholders.

No strategies to address the unintended side-effects of current strategy.

No measurements of the unintended side-effects of current strategy.

Failure to consider that there unintended side-effects of policies and actions.

Do these good practices

Processes exist to examine and deal with the unintended consequences of activities and policies.

Risk management is used for community and environmental impact and unintended side effects.

Principle 9: Corporate Citizenship (Item 7)

The organization's action to ensure a clean, safe, fair and prosperous society enhances the perception of its value to the community.

Why this is important

You should work to reduce the unintended consequences (side effects) to the community of your actions and policies. The community expects that you will keep it safe and do no harm not harm either — intentionally or unintentionally. Most companies do not consider the `unintentional harm' phpect of their business. "We made a mistake, sorry" may have worked in the past. It does not work now. Unintended harm can result in expensive and damaging court cases.

Unintended consequences

Most companies deal with `unintended injuries' and `unintended harm' as one offs - as special events. They are sometimes hard to spot, because they are often far removed in time and space from the original decision. However, they are directly attributed to the company's actions - `unintended consequences' of the way the company does things — and the courts increasingly agree. An injury or harm does not have to be intended for the company to be held responsible.

Here are some examples.

Police are pursuing a speeding driver, a stolen car. Very good, you say. That is their job. But ... the speeding driver ran a red light and crashed into another car killing the family. An unintended consequence of the chase. No one meant it to happen - an unintended consequence.

A woman undergoes an operation that relieves the pain from which she has been suffering. But ... she gets a killer infection and dies. No one meant it to happen.

In the 1970s, computer memory was expensive. "Why don't we save space by using only two characters to store the date?" What a good idea! In the 1990s, millions were spent on the Y2K `bug'.

Space for housing is scarce. Pressure is put on town planners to release marginal land. Twenty years later hundreds of people are killed in landslides and mud slides. No one meant it to happen - an unintended consequence.

A railway company decides to save costs by reducing the number of crew in the engine. The driver now has so much to do that it is not always possible to look out for signals. Six years later, two trains collide when one does not stop at a signal. No one meant it to happen - an unintended consequence.

For legal firms, the unintended consequences include:

  • getting crooks off on technical phpects of the law. The crooks then go on to re-offend – more rape and murder
  • giving poor (or erroneous) advice because of a multitude of different possible interpretations that causes clients and the community to make unsafe decisions
  • acting unethically – following the letter of the law but not its intent
  • during family law matters, causing extreme stress that causes family break up or continued violence

The military might call them collateral damage. "A few civilians were killed, but we took our target."

You should anticipate adverse effects from production, distribution, transportation, use and disposal of your products; from the behaviour of employees in carrying out your policies and required activities.

You should anticipate and prevent problems; provide a practical response if problems occur; and provide information and support in order to maintain public awareness, safety and confidence.

If you have to recall a product, do it early, don't lie and provide useful information to the community.

Your answers so far arranged by Principle.

At this point you could choose to: modify a response by clicking on an answer; move to a question by clicking on the link in the table; stop for now and come back another time.
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Cells colored this fantastic color indicate the 25 more important questions.
You must answer at least these questions to be able to print a report

We recommend that you answer the questions in the order determined by "next question". However, to allow you flexibility, the links above and below allow you to jump to different Principles and questions. Also, you can return to any question by clicking it in the table above.

If you wish, you can stop for now and come back and complete the questionnaire another time.
We store your answers on your computer for a year so you can come back to them later.

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