Employees' questionnaire short version
The 25 most important questions

This questionnaire is designed to test your business' alignment with the 10 Business Excellence Principles. For each question in this section give your rating out of 10 for how well it is done in your workplace. We suggest that you answer from your experience of your immediate workgroup. (If you are part of a large organization, you will also need to consider the relations between your workgroup and the rest of the organization)

The questions are in the form of statements because that has proved to be best. The letters after the question (P1, P2 etc) refer to the Principle (see previous page).

(A full description of the Principles can be found in 'The Competitive Enterprise' by Geoff Bell or you can follow the Business Sustainability Assessment for managers path.)

For your report to be valid, you must compete all of these most important questions.

1 I can do my work without fear? P1
2 I trust the company? P1
3 I feel secure? P1
8 I feel that I am supported? P1
16 There are no surprises for me after the planning process is completed?
(If surprises, score 0; if none, score 10.) P2
22 I know how I contribute to the business' success? P2
27 We use customer feedback/complaints to improve our service? P3
29 Everything about this company is focused on providing what our customers value? P3
31 This company deliberately works to improve its processes? P4
32 We are enabled (provided with skills, knowledge, authority and power) to change processes in which we work? P4
33 Our managers spend considerable time working to improve processes (ie, making it easier for you to do your work)? P4
34 Systems are improved when things go wrong; people are not blamed? P4
36 Our performance management system is based on the capability of the processes to deliver? P4
47 This company understands that all systems and processes produce inconsistent results? P6
48 Our managers do not over or under-react? (If it over or under react often, score 0; if seldom or never, score 10.) P6
51 Our managers do not ask "why are this month's results different from last month's"?
(If ask, score 0, if not, score 10.) P6
54 We work to make processes more stable by reducing 'special cause' variation? P6
55 We work to make processes more capable by reducing 'common cause' variation? P6
56 We are working to reduce the variation in all our products and services? P6
57 I am valued (appreciated) by this company? P7
59 I know what is expected of me in my job? P7
95 This is a good place to work? P10
96 All things considered, I get value from working for this company? P10
98 This company invests time and money to meet employees' needs? P10
100 This company invests in process improvement and process reengineering? P10
Business name for the report

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