This website is no longer active. The tools given all still work.
In early 2000s, Netgm developed a set of free tools for business operators to use to

  • make your business sustainable
  • make more money for your business by either increasing throughput or reducing costs
  • assess the health of your business and provide advice on improvement opportunities.

All tools on netgm are free.

Our Diagnosis section provides you with an interactive online diagnosis of your company. We provide diagnosis of your Business Sustainability for managers and for employees, your money cycle and the contribution each part of your company makes to the whole.

Our Calculators provides interactive tools to make your life easier.

Our Templates assist with common tasks

The theory for many excellent calculators is available, however

  • most business operators use such tools infrequently
  • the theory is difficult to understand or requires specialist knowledge
  • the theory can be so difficult to apply that business operators are reluctant to try it or to experiment with it (For example, to manually apply the theory behind the questionnaire sample size calculator would take an expert statistician at least two hours of solid work in a very error prone area for each trial set of numbers. No wonder few people do the calculations. The audit sample size is even more difficult and most auditors take an insufficient sample.)


We provide top class business sustainability assessment and tools available to business operators running all sizes of business; anywhere, anytime. You use them.

If you have tools that you would like to see built and included, let us know.

We have developed a user-friendly website, that offers a large number of best-practice business tools, as well as a unique set of business diagnosis and monitoring tools. Based on our Business Sustainability monitor questionnaire, we provide clients with

  • a business analysis, including a financial analysis, that shows key business trends
  • a benchmark study with comparable businesses and
  • practical solutions that will help to sustain and grow their business in the future.

Copyright © 2000- netgm pty ltd. All rights reserved.