Business Sustainability Assessment
Employee Questionnaire

This questionnaire is designed to test your business' alignment with the 10 Business Excellence Principles. It does this by having you assess how well your business applies the 10 Principles of Business Excellence. Businesses that apply these Business Excellence Principles usually perform significantly better than those that do not. The 10 Principles are:

Principle 1 - Senior Executives as Role Models

The senior executives' constant role modeling of these Business Excellence Principles and creation of a supportive environment are necessary to achieve the organization's potential.

Principle 2 - Focus on Achieving Goals

Clear direction allows organizational alignment and a focus on achievement of goals. Alternatively: Mutually agreed plans translate organizational direction into action.

Principle 3 - Customer Perception of Value

Providing what your customers value - now and in the future - must be a key influence in your organization's direction, strategy and action.

Principle 4 - To improve the outcome, improve the system

In order to improve the outcome; improve the system and its associated processes.
Corollary: All people work in a system: outcomes are improved when people work on improving the system

Principle 5 - Improved Decisions

Effective use of facts, data and knowledge leads to improved decisions.

Principle 6 - Variability

All systems and processes exhibit variability, which impacts on predictability and performance.

Principle 7 - Enthusiastic People

Potential of an organization is realized through its people's enthusiasm, resourcefulness and participation.

Principle 8 - Learning, Innovation and Continual Improvement

Continual improvement and innovation depends on continual learning.

Principle 9 - Corporate Citizenship

The organization's action to ensure a clean, safe, fair and prosperous society enhances the perception of its value to the community.

Principle 10 - Value for All Stakeholders

Sustainability is determined by an organization's ability to create and deliver value for all stakeholders.

A full description of the Principles can be found in 'The Competitive Enterprise' by Geoff Bell or you can follow the Business Sustainability Assessment for managers path.

Should you use the Employee Questionnaire or the Business Sustainability Assessment questionnaier? Probably both. Managers are usually employees as well as bosses. The different perspective of the same organisation can help with your assessment.

We suggest that you answer from your experience of your immediate workgroup. (If you are part of a large organization, you will also need to consider the relations between your workgroup and the rest of the organization.)

We provide 4 versions of the employee questionnaire. Choose the one most suitable to you.
105 questions with select button
This is the most complete employee questionnaire.
25 most important questions
A short version. Think of it as a sample.
105 questions with text field
This is the most complete employee questionnaire.
(It may be easier than the above if you are inputing several questionnaires. You can easily tab between fields.)
20 questions on Principles 1 and 7
(Concentrates on the issues of trust, communications and employee morale.) Another short version. Think of it as a sample.

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