Employees' questionnaire
Very short version

Principles 1 and 7 only

This shortened version of the questionnaire is designed to test your business' alignment with the 10 Business Excellence Principles. For each question in this section give your rating out of 10 for how well it is done in your workplace. We suggest that you answer from your experience of your immediate workgroup. (If you are part of a large organisation, you will also need to consider the relations between your workgroup and the rest of the organisation.)

The questions are in the form of statements because that has proved to be best. The letters after the question (P1, P2 etc) refer to the Principle (see previous page).

(A full description of the Principles can be found in 'The Competitive Enterprise' by Geoff Bell or you can follow the Business Sustainability Assessment for managers path.)

For your report to be valid, you must compete all 20 questions. (The numbering system is from the main employee questionnaire - hence the gaps. The most important questions are coloured blue and shown in bold.)
1 I can do my work without fear? P1
2 I trust the business management? P1
3 I feel secure? P1
4 I trust my bosses? P1
5 This business has fantastic internal communications? P1
6 The business demonstrates values that I like? P1
7 The senior managers are open and honest? P1
8 I feel that I am supported? P1
9 I have access to managers/team leaders when I need decisions made? P1
10 This a business where I can do my best work? P1
11 We are all treated equally? P1
57 I am valued (appreciated) by this business? P7
58 I am respected? P7
59 I know what is expected of me in my job? P7
60 I am given adequate skills, knowledge, authority and resources to be able to do my job? P7
61 When people give me a task to do, they tell me why it needs to be done? P7
62 I get useful feedback on how I do my job that focuses on helping me; not blaming me? P7
63 I am always provided with training when I am expected to use new processes and technology? P7
64 This business provides a safe working environment (physically and mentally and free of harassment)? P7
65 My union never needs to be adversarial in representing my interests to the business. There is trust on both sides? P7
Business name for the report

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