Business Sustainability Assessment - short questionnaire

This is a short 'demo' version of the full BHA. Answer the 25 questions below and click the "submit" button at the bottom for a short sample of the larger report. This gives you an idea of what the larger report for you will be like. You can then do the full BHA when you wish.
(The numbers down the left side give you links to pages where each item is described in full.)

You need to decide for which level of your business you are answering these questions. We suggest that you first answer for your most immediate work group, (If you are part of a large organization, you may later choose to answer as part of the larger group of which your work group forms a part.)

Our diagnosis and the advice we provide is based on information that you provide to takes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information that you provided or for how makes decisions based on that information or for any actions that you take or do not take as a result of the analysis.

  Question   Suggestion
1.1 We have a climate of trust. Make an estimate out of 10 of the level of trust.
1.3 Employee opinion survey results show that the employees think that the senior executives are a consistent role model for the 10 Business Excellence Principles (eg, trustworthy, believable, with high integrity, committed to the Principles). Make an estimate out of 10 of how close the results are to 100%.
2.4 We have plans to reach all our targets. Estimate out of 10 the extent this is deliberately done.
2.5 Our plans to reach new targets describe how we will change (eg, by improving process or systems, or applying resources). Estimate out of 10 the extent this is deliberately done.
3.2 We have a very good understanding of what our customers don't like about our products and services - the dissatisfiers (eg, we ask our customers "what is it about our products and services that you don't like?") Estimate out of 10 the extent this is deliberately done. The extent you seek to understand. Not the extent of dissatisfaction.
3.4 We are working to eliminate (or minimise) all of the things that are part of our products and services but which are not of value to our customers. (Ie all those 'you must do it like this to use it' things, eg price, payment method & terms, ease of use, ease of access, availability, timeliness, accuracy, reliability.) The extent of work to eliminate or minimise. Not the extent of dissatisfaction.
4.3 We make and implement plans to reach our targets when those targets are outside current capability. Estimate out of 10 the extent this is deliberately done.
4.4 When we want a different result, we change the system. The extent you always change the system.
4.5 Our performance management system is based on an understanding of Process Capability. The extent that it is. The opposite would be based on 'appraisal of performance' with no reference to 'system capability'.
4.6 Our managers work on improving processes as a major part of their job function. Score 10 if managers spend 40% of their time on improving processes. Not delegating this to someone else.
4.7 We work to reduce rework and waste. Estimate out of 10 the extent this is deliberately done.
6.5 We work to make processes more stable by reducing special cause variation. Estimate out of 10 the extent this is deliberately done.
6.6 We work to make processes more capable by reducing common cause variation. Estimate out of 10 the extent this is deliberately done.
6.7 We know that reducing variation reduces costs. Estimate out of 10 the extent that this is an underpinning belief; not how good your company is at it.
6.8 We are working to reduce variation in all our products and services. Estimate out of 10 the extent this is deliberately done.
6.9 We calculate our Process Capability for our main products and services. Estimate out of 10 the extent this is deliberately done.
6.10 We work to reduce variation in the early steps of all processes. Estimate out of 10 the extent this is deliberately done.
7.3 We give our employees space to have their say, we show we care and we keep our promises. Estimate out of 10 the extent this is deliberately done.
7.5 We make certain our employees are properly enabled to carry out their work (ie provided with sufficient skills, knowledge, resources and authority). Estimate out of 10 the extent this is deliberately done.
10.1 We have objectives, strategies and plans to address the needs of and to create and deliver value for all the organization's stakeholders (eg, owners, customers, the organization itself, employees, the community, and suppliers and alliance partners). Estimate out of 10 the extent this is deliberately done for each of the 6 stakeholder groups. Take the average.
10.2 We deliberately invest (funds and effort) to meet the needs of each major stakeholder group. (We treat these as investment decisions to reach our Goals and objectives and to meet their needs.) Estimate out of 10 the extent this is deliberately done for each of the 6 stakeholder groups. Take the average.
10.7 We measure our success in meeting our objectives for all our stakeholder groups. (ie, success including and beyond financial performance by determining how we are achieving success for each of our stakeholders by integrating and balancing their needs) Estimate out of 10 the extent this is deliberately done for each of the 6 stakeholder groups. Take the average.
10.9 We use lead indicators and other measurements to predict our long term sustainability. Estimate out of 10 the extent this is deliberately done.
1.5 Our CEO/president and all our senior executives role model the 10 Business Excellence Principles (ie, they believe in them, make all decisions in that context). Estimate out of 10 the extent this is deliberately done.
1.8 The reward structure for our CEO/president and senior executives rewards behavior that is in accordance with these 10 Business Excellence Principles. (eg, the reverse would be "does the reward system for your CEO & executive reward behaviors that are not in line with the 10 Principles?") Estimate out of 10 the extent this is deliberately done.

Enter the company name that you would like on the report

Check over your answers.
When you are comfortable that you have given an accurate picture, click the "Submit" button below to generate your report.

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